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歌手:Despicable Me 所屬專輯:電影原聲 - Despicable Me(卑鄙的我) 歌曲:Prettiest Girls - Pharrell mp3 Prettiest Girls - Pharrell Despicable Me歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網(wǎng)http://ninos-trattoria.com/ting/423332.html 抱歉!暫無歌詞.
1Despicable Me - Pharrell
2Fun, Fun, Fun - Pharrell
3I'm On A Roll - Destinee and Paris
4Minion Mambo - The Minions
5Boogie Fever - Sylvers
6My Life - Robin Thicke
7Prettiest Girls - Pharrell
8Rocket's Theme - Pharrell
9You Should Be Dancing - The Bee Gees
10The Unicorn Song - Agnes
電影原聲 - Despicable Me(卑鄙的我)
1Boogie Fever - Sylvers
2The Unicorn Song - Agnes
3Fun, Fun, Fun - Pharrell
4Rocket's Theme - Pharrell
5Despicable Me - Pharrell
6Minion Mambo - The Minions
7You Should Be Dancing - The Bee Gees
8I'm On A Roll - Destinee and Paris
9Prettiest Girls - Pharrell
10My Life - Robin Thicke
特別聲名:本頁不提供Despicable Me的歌曲 Prettiest Girls - Pharrell試聽,您可以進入Prettiest Girls - Pharrell 歌詞 頁面查看 Despicable Me演唱的歌曲Prettiest Girls - Pharrell歌詞。如果您喜歡 Despicable Me 歌曲 Prettiest Girls - Pharrell 請您購買正版CD。