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歌手:單身毒媽(Weeds) 所屬專輯:電視原聲 - Weeds Music from the Series Vol.4(單身毒媽 第四季) 歌曲:Bullets (Tunng) mp3 Bullets (Tunng) 單身毒媽(Weeds)歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網http://ninos-trattoria.com/ting/354405.html 抱歉!暫無歌詞.
1A New World (DeVotchKa)
2Tengo La Voz (Nortec Collective)
3Made (Greg Weeks)
4Love You (The Free Design)
5Mexico (That Handsome Devil)
6Don't Try To Fool Me (Miss Li)
7Bullets (Tunng)
8Borino Oro (Mucca Pazza)
9Se Puede (Los Mono)
10Thank You For Making Me Feel Better (Linus of Hollywood)
電視原聲 - Weeds Music from the Series Vol.4(單身毒媽 第四季)
1Borino Oro (Mucca Pazza)
2Love You (The Free Design)
3Thank You For Making Me Feel Better (Linus of Hollywood)
4Se Puede (Los Mono)
5Made (Greg Weeks)
6Bullets (Tunng)
7A New World (DeVotchKa)
8Don't Try To Fool Me (Miss Li)
9International Small Arms Blues (The Mountain Goats)
10Brighter Tomorrow (Soul Swingers)
特別聲名:本頁不提供單身毒媽(Weeds)的歌曲 Bullets (Tunng)試聽,您可以進入Bullets (Tunng) 歌詞 頁面查看 單身毒媽(Weeds)演唱的歌曲Bullets (Tunng)歌詞。如果您喜歡 單身毒媽(Weeds) 歌曲 Bullets (Tunng) 請您購買正版CD。