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歌手:紫醉金迷(Velvet Goldmine) 所屬專輯:紫醉金迷(Velvet Goldmine) 歌曲:T.V. Eye - Wylde Rattz mp3 T.V. Eye - Wylde Rattz 紫醉金迷(Velvet Goldmine)歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網(wǎng)http://ninos-trattoria.com/ting/119423.html
1Needles in the Camels Eye - Brian Eno
2Hot One - Shudder to Think
320th Century Boy - Placebo
42HB - The Venus In Furs
5T.V. Eye - Wylde Rattz
6Ballad of Maxwell Demon - Shudder To Think
7The Whole Shebang - Grant Lee Buffalo
8Ladytron - Venus In Furs
9We Are the Boyz - Pulp
10Virginia Plain - Roxy Music
紫醉金迷(Velvet Goldmine)
1Velvet Spacetime - Carter Burwell
2Diamond Meadows - T. Rex
32HB - The Venus In Furs
4Hot One - Shudder to Think
5Tumbling Down - Venus In Furs
620th Century Boy - Placebo
7Bitters End - Paul Kimble & Andy Mackay
8The Whole Shebang - Grant Lee Buffalo
9Personality Crisis - Teenage Fanclub & Donna Matthews
特別聲名:本頁不提供紫醉金迷(Velvet Goldmine)的歌曲 T.V. Eye - Wylde Rattz試聽,您可以進(jìn)入T.V. Eye - Wylde Rattz 歌詞 頁面查看 紫醉金迷(Velvet Goldmine)演唱的歌曲T.V. Eye - Wylde Rattz歌詞。如果您喜歡 紫醉金迷(Velvet Goldmine) 歌曲 T.V. Eye - Wylde Rattz 請(qǐng)您購買正版CD。